Street Portrait (for and of Pierce) #1, 2013

Street Portrait (for and of Pierce) #1, 2013

Well, I’d spent about an hour trying to photograph birds in flight – don’t ask. Anyway, thwarted, hassled and with a crick in my neck I headed back where I should have been in the first place. And the first person I saw was Pierce. So in thrall to my quiet desperation about the lack of bird action was I that I walked straight past him. It took a while for his image to sink in. Yow! And then I was back there. Pierce was really good about letting me take shots of him (about ten) – these are the best two. Thanks very much, Pierce! Hope you like your pictures.

Street Portrait (for and of Pierce) #2, 2013

Street Portrait (for and of Pierce) #2, 2013

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If you want to see all the street portraits to date in one place, go here: