Richard from CK Ponderings and I decided to concentrate on one theme leading up to the end of 2013: the roads we live on. This time I suggested that we use the word Lines to inform our photographs. So, our third visit…

Richard Cooper-Knight:

IMG_9043On The Street Where You Live, 2013

The last in our triptych of On The Street… shots proved an interesting theme. Richard’s idea of stripping it back has given new impetus to my shots, and I am aware that I have almost been trying too hard with my photographs – and certainly those in collaboration with Mr Guest – meaning that they haven’t always turned out as I have wanted them to. I therefore kept it fairly simple from a photographic perspective – telegraph poles are as abundant in my road as they are in most people’s – and played around a bit more in post-production.

Richard Guest:

On The Street Where You Live IV, 2013

Familiarity has, I think, led me to stalking the road after dark; things seem much better defined under sodium lights. Sounds are sharper, scents more intense and there are fewer people about. And I have two of my favourite critics with me.